Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Suddenly, at 10:20 p.m., an absurd impulse took a hold of me: to just go to the metro tomorrow afternoon after school (somehow), hop on the orange line by myself, get to D.C. and just stick there for a while (a few hours).

Of course, this is most probably impossible-- for tomorrow. But one of these days, why not?

days of expiration

Why am I being the frog in the well right now? Why am I a sitting duck when there's so much out there that I'm missing by being hunched over a computer, holed up in my house? Why aren't I desperately trying to take superb photographs when I have so many opportunities? Why aren't I selling my abilities to places where they're needed?

And why, why aren't I out there making friends, making acquaintances, making allies? Why aren't I out there paving my road and building a network?

Dreams don't just come true by sitting around and waiting.

I need to get up, shake off the dust and clutter, and run, jump, fly.


Anonymous said...

you should go to my blog, have interesting information from Coco Rocha