Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I used to think while looking at fashion editorials that I didn’t really care about the clothes and that they were inconsequential compared to the models.

But I learned most recently, through first-hand experience, that clothes and styling are actually very essential to the overall image—whether the main focus is the fashion aspect or not.

Things like the choice in clothing—long sleeves or t-shirt? monochrome or print? white or black? or both? open-toed or closed-toe shoes?—which may seem like nuances to an average joe, contribute to the mood and aesthetics of a shot. They can either make a shot or break it.

I have an increased respect for stylists now.

Also, I just browsed through the most recent editorials today and saw this one shot where I thought, “It would’ve looked better if she [the model] had kept her mouth closed.“ Little things like whether or not a mouth is open or closed in a shot—that’s important, too.